HAUNTED: A Cursed Appalachian Tarot Deck

Created by Genevieve Barbee-Turner

Add on a tarot deck! Each tarot deck has silver gilded edges and comes in a magnetic closure box and includes one guidebook that fits into the tarot box. The guide includes stories that inspired the cards and meanings of each card. **Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date. Your payment information is required to complete your survey.
We will keep you updated through Kickstarter Updates for when shipping fees will be applied to your pre-order. Thank you for your understanding!**

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping news & other updates! Please read carefully!
10 months ago – Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 08:08:26 AM

Hi! This is an update to let you know what is in the works. Please read carefully! 

1) APPLIES TO KICKSTARTER BACKERS & BACKER KIT PRE-ORDERS // You will be charged for shipping starting in January so be on the look out for that. I will give you another heads up via an update here closer to when I charge your credit card. Make sure your KS emails aren't going to spam! 

I don't have shipping cost estimates for you yet and I'm sorry for that—I don't want to misquote you though. I also know that funds are tight for a lot of people right now so I hope to get you an estimate closer to when I charge cards. My goal is to keep the costs as low as possible for shipping. I need to get all the peices of the parcels together before I can give you a correct cost for your shipping. If you have questions please reach out! 

I will also have info on local pick-up next month as well :)

2) Right now the decks are on their way from the printer to me. It should take a few weeks to get here with likely delays due to the holidays. I knew this would be the case due to timing though so everything is still on schedule. (I'm still having that perfectionism anxiety of wanting everything to go smoothly though, haha—so far so good though!)

3) Printing the maps is definitely taking longer than I had planned but it is coming along well! It is a huge task to get the amount of cloth maps we need for all the KS Backers and Baker Kit Pre-Orders. If you have followed me on IG you have watched the process coming along! Right now we are on target to finish them by the time that decks come in and we will start shipping in batches. 

NOTE: The cloth maps are screen printed by me on reclaimed fabric saved from landfills bought from FABSCRAP so they will not all look the same. We have large groups of similar fabric but I am using what I found from this really amazing resource. We are saving very beautiful and cool fabric from landfills and getting a cool screenprint out of it!

Thank you for reading! I know it seems like a lot but it is important to me that you all know what I've got going on and what to expect :) I don't want to surprise or shock anyone! 

Hope everyone is having a good holiday season <3 

- Genevieve

Big & Important Project Updates :)
11 months ago – Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 12:36:37 PM

Please read carefully before reaching out with questions :)

Deck Proof

Deck Order Placed

I received a proof of the deck this week and had some minor edits. Those edits have been accepted and now the order for 1,000 decks has been placed! I paid for expedited shipping so it should be here in roughly a month or so, (I'm confirming the timeline with the printer). I am notgoing to promise that they will be here in time for Christmas because this time of year things like shipping are always tenuous! Plus, I am still getting the cloth and paper maps together.

Everyone has been so patient with me though and I appreciate you all so much! When they get here, you all will know! Once they arrive I will gather the maps and figure out shipping costs and charge your cards for shipping. Everything will be sent in waves once I get the maps done. I will start with local pick up first because it's the easiest!

Check out my Instagram post going through the proof. A big thank you to the people who I have shown the proof deck and gave great feedback!

Celebrating with Haunted!

Deck Counts

401 decks are already sold via the Kickstarter or Backerkit Pre-Order. 33 more are on hold for those that didn't fill out their Backerkit survey (they are now locked so you will have to reach out if you still want your items). This means, 566 will be available for purchase on my website, in-person at the Mall at Robinson, and available for wholesale purchase through my Faire link in blocks of 10.

Making cloth maps


I have also been busy making maps! I was at Artist Image Resources this week screen printing cloth maps and will keep going until we have 350 finished. The paper maps are almost done and will go out to the printer soon.


I've got select prints from the deck available on my website and at the Mall at Robinson (in the I Made It Market shop!) When I draw these cards they are huge and have a lot of detail in them that can get lost when they are shrunk to card size. Check out what I have available here!

resin sculpture w Haunted print


I have taken some prints from Haunted and other projects and combined them with artist Bekah Coffey of Coffey Shop. Check those out here!

Newsletter & YouTube

I'm revamping my newsletter this week and starting on some new YouTube videos. The goal is to share more about how I read tarot and share stories about the deck. Sign up for the newsletter here and check out my YouTube channel here.

That's about it! A big update but stuffed with good news. Thank you all for your support <3

Proof in the Works
12 months ago – Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 01:23:11 PM

Hi Tarot Fans,

Everything you need to know is in the video but if you are more of a reader I can list out the important bits!

The deck is with the printer and we spend some time over the past two weeks confirming things. Right now I'm waiting for a proof and then the next steps begin. I have an image from the printer to share at the bottom but note: it doesn't have the silver foil on it, that comes later in the proofing process. This was to confirm details for the text, its placement, and the art on the box.

Now for some sad news: My dad passed away unexpectedly on October 15th. I was away and had originally planned to rest after a long 10 months of getting this Kickstarter going and finishing the project but instead I went home to help my family and to grieve. I'm telling you all this because I am moving a little slow right now and honestly, my energy is just completely non-existent. I am working and was on top of communications with the printer while I was away so nothing is off for the timeline of this project. I repeat: There are no delays with this project. 

I was just planning on doing more social media things and getting myself organized for the holiday season and that's just not going to happen right now—or at least it will be slow. Just be patient with me when it comes to messages. If something isn't super urgent it will take me a second to respond. 

Otherwise, I'm finishing up the paper and cloth map add-ons right now. The paper map design needs to be finalized (I have a progress pic at the end—I'm going with a darker design with a watercolor feel to it). For the cloth map will get a test print next week (Image of that design below. It's a different vibe from my usual style but a simplified version of the map that includes character from the deck). 

Remember: you aren't being charged for shipping until the deck is ready to go out and I will warn you ahead of time. The surveys are locked so if you have questions about yours please message me or send an email to [email protected].

- Genevieve

Outside without silver foil
Inside the box
Paper map without the landmarks
Cloth map mock up

We are at the printer(!) and other important info
about 1 year ago – Mon, Oct 09, 2023 at 10:47:05 AM

Hello Tarot Fans!

** Important info ** Don't forget that you haven't been charged for shipping of your deck and won't be until we have them and are ready to ship them out. This will be mostly likely January at this point. This includes Pre-Order people!!

As I spoiled in the headline, we are finally at the printer!! They are getting a proof ready for me right now and I will share updates as I get them. 

Right now I'm working on closing down the surveys. I've sent out individual reminders to everyone multiple times to finish their surveys so for that 8% that hasn't finished them, we will have to figure out how you will get your deck when you get in touch.

I think I can leave the pre-order store open and if that's the case, I'll keep taking those orders for individual decks. 

I've gotten a lot of requests for wholesale orders and I am definitely interested! I am making a list and once we get decks in I will approach you then. I think it's easier to handle larger orders once I get the kickstarter orders and backerkit pre-orders filled first.

I also want to share what all the cards look like and am working on posting them to my site because uploading those images to these Kickstarter posts is a pain. I will have a separate update for that!

Thank you all again and if you have questions please ask!

- Genevieve

About to ship! A Quick Update…
about 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 08:15:20 PM

Hi everyone! I’m putting the finishing touches on the last few cards, confirming the box design, and formatting the guide this week. I’ll get that done before heading out of town for a family event over the weekend. When I return I’ll give it all last looks and then send it to the printer!! I have been dead focused on finishing this deck this month. I’m tired and super excited to share it!

IMPORTANT REMINDER: You will be charged for shipping once we get the decks in (between December and January) unless you selected local pick up.

We only have 91% of the surveys completed. When I ship the deck off to the printer I will begin to lock orders. PLEASE! Check your information and make sure it’s right. If you haven’t done your survey please finish that up.

If you paid for a reading with Sarah and haven’t scheduled it please email her at [email protected].


PS I attached a few finished cards for you to check out. :) in order of appearance: The Sun (Screaming Jenny), Six of Swords (Kecksberg Alien), Three of Swords (B52 Bomber in the Mon), The Empress (Bedford Springs).